HygiCo Health
A new Specialised, Safe, Quality Service for the Healthcare sector.
Invest in a solution for the protection of all.
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The HygiCo Health service Specialises in cleaning uniforms for the healthcare sector – hospitals, pharmaceuticals, clinics, and other life sciences operations, extending to the most demanding of operations within the food and cosmetics sectors.
The Safety of the service is guaranteed in terms of microbiological control, avoiding any possibility of cross-contamination by conducting operations in entirely separate cleaning lines (sanitation barriers).
Quality service, guaranteed:
- by employing control techniques and processes based on the principles of RABC (Risk Analysis and Biocontamination Control), the EN 14065 and regulatory standards, and other more advanced and specific technical requirements of each operation, built into each respective QMS.
- for a Premium Service across all phases of the customer relationship, including individual and manual ironing and packaging and delivery in certified boxes.
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Direct Sales
We help companies who already have their own workwear choose the cleaning solution that best meets their needs.